Board of Directors

The EADT eV (European Association of Dental Technology) stands for the active exchange between dental technology, dentistry, science and dental technology


Get to know the members of the EADT Board

Find out more about the committed minds behind the decisions and leadership of our organization and who use their expertise and passion to advance EADT's goals.

Andreas Kunz


Laboratory owner Berlin

Bogna Stawarczyk

Vice President

Scientific Head of Materials Science, Polyclinic for Dental Prosthetics at the University of Munich Hospital (LMU)

Carsten Fischer

Board member

Laboratory owner Frankfurt/Main

Felicitas Mayinger

Board member

Research assistant in materials science, polyclinic for dental prosthetics at the University of Munich Hospital (LMU)

Annett Kieschnick

Board member

Freelance specialist journalist, Berlin

TEAM talk

for dentistry, dental technology, dental technology, science